Feature Ideas

  1. Multiple Spares Lists

    Have the option to make multiple spares lists so that you can send notifications out to different lists at different times. First list being the Regular/Preferred Spares list, 2nd being the infrequent spares list, 3rd being the anyone I know that can tie a pair of skates because we're desperate for players list! I have a lot of people on my spares list, some players are very infrequent but I still want their contact info on my roster. If I could create multiple spares lists it would allow me to set my regulars to get an email on day 1 (7 days out or so), regular spares get an email 3 days out, infrequent 2 days and panic spares list on the day of if the roster isn't full.

    #412Jonathan F
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  2. Allow multiple positions per player

    Allow players to have more than one position. For example, a goalie could also play forward.

    #12Jon Marus
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  3. Dark Mode

    Dark mode for the app.

    #3Jon Marus
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  4. Allow player payment through no-fee software like Venmo, PayPal, or Zelle.

    When payment is accepted through the app the fees can add up fast. For our weekly pick up game of just 10 players we pay $14.70 in fees a week. When you add in the $9/month for pro that comes to $67.80 a month. There should be a way for players to pay using the numerous no-fee payment services out there like Venmo, PayPal, or Zelle.

    #78Steve C
    #Deal Breaker πŸ’”


  5. Allow players to set their status as MAYBE

    Allow a player to choose between IN, OUT and MAYBE.

    #29Jon Marus
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  6. Spare improvements: Are you available?

    I have three classes of players (adult/beer league): Full-time: Rostered guys who paid for the whole season Regular subs (part-time): My go-to subs. They a play a lot but couldn't commit to the whole season. Hail-Mary subs: I rarely use these subs. I only reach out to them if I'm desperate and already burned through 1 & 2. What I would really like is to be able to have BenchApp automatically send emails/texts to my #2 group to get their status. Not so much "you are invited" but more "can you make it, if needed?" If these subs are available, they should go to the waitlist. Then on gameday, I'll have their status ready and I can just put them in if I have spots. I don't want to bug my #3 group via anything automatic, I'll just continue to reach out to them manually (if needed).

    #Improvement πŸ‘


  7. Add notes for opponent

    ability to add notes for an opponent would be great. Even better if the notes can be migrated with the opponent to the next season.

    #757Alec M
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Misc 🀷


  8. Give Games a jersey color option

    My team has two sets of jerseys that we rotate based on our opponents, not home/away status. A simple option for games, even if just "dark" and "light", would be great and save managers a little bit of hassle.

    #753James B
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  9. Each player's game dues/fees

    Player game dues should be automatically added to the β€˜checked-in’ regular Roster players, similar to how it’s currently done for Spare players

    #764Mark Farhad Y
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Deal Breaker πŸ’”#Feedback Wanted ❓


  10. BUG: Roster Issues when switching between seasons

    currently I run one team. I have configured the summer season. What I am seeing is when I switch between seasons the roster data does not load, or I’m being impatient, but it takes way too long to load. If I need to review the roster in one season, what I need to do is switch seasons, close the app, open the app, then click roster. It’s a workaround, but I don’t think it’s the fix. Happening on IPhone 14 Pro running iOS 18.3.2

    #763Tim D
    #Bug πŸ›


  11. Hide Goalie Tracking

    Users should be able to turn off the goalie tracking so that the user interface is less distracting. In cases where drop-in teams are not tracking goalies,it is annoying to see alerts on the schedule page for every game with a red circle and exclamation mark '❗'.

    #Improvement πŸ‘


  12. Let me export schedule to my google calendar

    I have to manually open all these games and practices to my family calendar and that’s so annoying. There’s no way I would use this if the team didn’t make us.

    #Improvement πŸ‘


  13. The game fees and dues

    Could the game fees be automatically added to the β€˜checked-in’ regular Roster players, similar to how it’s currently done for Spare players?

    #706Mark Farhad Y


  14. Notify managers when a player checks out after having checked in

    Notify a manager when a player was previously checked IN but then they check OUT.

    #7Jon Marus
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  15. Set home and away jersey colors and display on games

    Allow the manager to assign colors to home and away jerseys, and then display those colors on the games.

    #15Jon Marus
    #Improvement πŸ‘
