
  1. New Finances is Live!

    πŸ’° Improved Finances Screen See who owes money and who's paid recently at a glance.
    πŸ’Έ Faster "Mark as Paid" Now you can quickly mark fees as paid right from the Game Summary screen.
    πŸš— Coming Soon: Carpooling Need a lift to the game? Let your team know and get picked up right at your door.


    Another Big Update Fresh Off The Presses πŸš€

    New Finances Summary

    We've greatly improved the speed and functionality of Finances to make tracking payments and getting paid even faster. See who has overdue fees, who has fees due soon, and even who recently paid. Keeping your team's finances has never been easier. This is especially useful for those of you that run large pick-up leagues.


    Mark all as Paid

    From the Game Summary screen, you can now mark all payments as paid (and choose to leave some as unpaid if Jimmy forgot his wallet... again).

    Coming Soon: Carpool

    We're adding a new feature in the next release that will let you ask for and offer rides to your games. It's going to make carpooling, especially for youth teams, that much easier!


    Let us know what you think β€” we love your feedback! πŸ™Œ



  2. New Roster and Drinks Experience – and more to come!

    πŸ‘₯ Revamped Roster Screen Faster, smoother, and easier to manage your players, parents, and spares.
    πŸ₯› Improved Drinks Screen Keep track of who was thirsty, who's on drinks next, and with a lot less hassle.
    πŸ’° Coming Soon: A Brand-New Finances Experience Managing team finances is about to get a whole lot easier!

    We've been busy making BenchApp even better for you. πŸš€

    Over the past month, we’ve rolled out these updates to give you lightning-fast access to your players, a simpler way to add kids to parents, and a better way to track drinks.

    And there’s more on the way! Soon, you’ll be able to request a ride to the game right from the app. Stay tuned!

    Let us know what you think β€” we love your feedback! πŸ™Œ


    πŸš€ Roster & Drinks Screens

    We've been busy making BenchApp even better for you. πŸš€ βœ… Revamped Roster Screen – Faster, smoother, and easier to manage your players. 🍻 Improved Drinks Screen – Keep track of who’s thirsty with less hassle. πŸ’° Coming Soon: A Brand-New Finances Experience – Managing team finances is about to get a whole lot easier! Over the past month, we’ve rolled out these updates to give you lightning-fast access to your players, a simpler way to add kids to parents, and a better way to track drinks. And there’s more on the way! Soon, you’ll be able to request a ride to the game right from the app. Stay tuned! Let us know what you thinkβ€”we love your feedback! πŸ™Œ

    #736Jon Marus



  3. Sidebar update for Managers


    We have made some small adjustments to the sidebar on the website for Managers. This is to help improve navigation to your team settings and profile. Non team managers will not see these changes. Enjoy!


  4. Fixes to Calendar Subscriptions & more


    Last week, we had a glitch in our system where calendar events were being removed from your Apple or Google Calendar before the scheduled start time. This has been fixed. We have also made a small change where events will continue to live in your calendar for 3 months after the event has passed.

    Additional recent fixes:

    • The date and time when a player was setting their RSVP was incorrect
    • Some users were unable to edit or save events on the website
    • Some users were unable to RSVP on the website


  5. Quick Score fixes and more

    πŸ“’ Communications has moved Bulletin, Polls and Broadcasts are now accessible from the home screen.
    πŸ—“οΈ Improved Dates and Times We've grouped the date and time together on the game info cards. 
    🎯 Quick Score Fixed We've fixed the Quick Score that didn't open for some people.


    In this release, we have made some improvements to how the date and time looks on the home screen, bringing them more aligned. We have also moved Bulletins, Polls and Broadcasts to the home screen so they're more accessible and discoverable.

    We've also fixed the Quick Score feature that was not working for some people with "reduced motion" enabled on their phone.

    Download the update on the App Store and Play Store today!


  6. Recurring events now available!

    New Feature
    πŸ—“οΈ Run a weekly Pick-up? Set it up months in advance with only a few taps.
    πŸ“’ Have bi-weekly practices? Now you can schedule them all at once!
    πŸ– Monthly BBQ at Jim's? Now no one will forget their hot dogs.


    Go to the Schedule screen on the app, tap the (+) button, and create a new event. From there, you can tap on "Repeat" and select your recurring interval (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly). Set the end date and add your new recurring events!


    Make sure you have version 3.1.5 or newer.



  7. BenchApp Training is here

    New Feature


    πŸ€• Feeling sore before or after your games? BenchApp has added training to help you prepare and recover.
    πŸ’ͺ BenchApp Training Spend 5 minutes with BenchApp Training before your next game to feel better.
    πŸ›Ÿ BenchApp Recover Sore from your game? BenchApp Recover helps get your body feeling good again.


    Try free for 60 days!

    Join BenchApp Training and start feeling better than ever. Spending as little as 5 minutes a day can help reduce game related injuries and improve your balance, strength and mobility.

    Once you enable BenchApp Training, we'll send you reminders to jump into movr to attack those areas that are sore or need strengthening.

    Turn BenchApp Training on today

    On mobile:

    1. go to "Account"
    2. tap on your profile
    3. scroll down to APPS and enable "movr"


  8. New Line-Up Editor and Batting Order Editor launched!


    Our new Line-Up editor and Batting Order editor has been launched. This editor is way faster, cleaner and smoother. We also improved the way the lines are printed and if you run a dark/light scrimmage or drop-in, you'll have two separate pages for each team!


  9. A note about today's RSVP emails


    On the morning of March 19th, we had an issue where our RSVP emails were sending some incorrect data. The opponent (if your event was a scrimmage to drop-in) and/or the notes (if you didn't have any notes entered) could be coming from the wrong event.

    What happened?

    Our system loops through each team that has RSVP's set to go out today, and collects the data for that team/event to compose the email. What was happening is that if a team had notes, and then the next team in the loop did not, it would use notes from the previous team (or in some cases, the opponent).

    Is it fixed?

    We have already applied a fix for this issue and it will not happen again.

    Why did it happen?

    We recently migrated our notification system to a new server (as we keep getting more popular and thus need more server capacity – thanks to users like you!) and in the migration process, a simple step in the code was missed.


    Out of this comes a huge improvement in sending speeds and enhanced reliability. We'll also be tracking the reasons why some players fail to receive their notifications much better, and will be making that information more visible to team managers so that they can correct it going forward.


    We're very sorry about this bug and we promise to be better going forward!


  10. A note about BenchApp crashes


    If you are suffering from constant BenchApp crashes, the solution is to delete the app and re-install. All your teams and information will stay in tact. If you continue to have crashing issues after a fresh install, please reach out to us at
